Obviously this MILF nympho is very easy on the eyes. She isn’t having marital problems. Her husband isn’t popping Viagra and fucking everything that moves. And there you have her problem. She got together with a sugar daddy back in the 80’s and now he doesn’t want to dip his cock-o-late bar in her pussy-butter anymore.
One of her friends told her about a site that pairs up hot sexy MILF to chat with guys looking for a women with some experience. While there are plenty of women there willing to do the hair pulling, bitch slapping stuff, this hot MILF babe isn’t one of them. View her online profile and you will see she is high class.
I asked her if she ever had guys come in and want to discuss things other than sex with her and she sent me a LOL. Apparently it happens quite often. In some weeks she will have at least three or four nights where a guy took her private to discuss some personal issue that required some motherly advice. Amazing!